NEW Collection

Hey Mama!
Fertility Collection
The Hey Mama! Fertility Candle Collection was crafted & curated as I sought my own solace after losing a pregnancy. I truly believe in inviting what you need when you need it. I hope you begin setting intentions to manifest the child you are yearning to have or to heal from the loss you've experienced. May you Invite "Baby Dust" if you are trying to conceive or struggling with infertility. Invite "Viability" and healthy carrying if you are currently pregnant. Invite "Mended Hearts" if you have experienced grief & loss along your journey, just as I have. Each of these scents were intentional and crafted with tears, love, and immense hope. I pray this collection brings you what you desire. Hey Mama!, chin up because you have arrived by invitation only to the sense of peace you seek.
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Invitation Only Intention Candles are used to manifest dreams, desires, or a state of being. It's what one intends to do or bring about within their life.
Our eco-conscious intention candle collections are handcrafted for you to Invite exactly what you need when you need it. It's self-preservation and self-care marrying the power of manifestation.
A beautiful wedding filled with love, light, & vibrations.
Our collections are curated to invite exclusive intentions wherever you are in your life & in your journey. We know that some days are meant for a still position or posture (Asana) while others are meant for creative energy (Light).
Each collection comes equipped with (3) intention candles, intention-setting stationery, & candle matches to help you efficiently position your desires.

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Invitation Only Candle Co. is an eco-conscious brand with a focus on eco-friendly environmental sustainability. Our goal is to educate Candle Lovers while also holding ourselves accountable for making our planet a better place and space. This invitation is exclusively for you. Who said eco-consciousness and intentional luxury can't meet in the middle?

Nia, Atlanta
I absolutely loved my Invitation Only candles! I purchased the signature collection & I think the scents are a perfect mix for different areas in your home. I placed one in my bathroom, one in my office, and the other one near my garden tub. My self-care night remedy is Dr. Teal, a hot bubble bath, and my Invitation Only candles...a perfect match made in heaven.

Monica, Detroit
Invitation Only Candles are an experience. The carefully curated packaging, sleek look and feel of the glass jars, sophisticated labels, and the powerful messaging included to explain the why behind the company are all mesmerizing. Your sensory journey continues with the enchanting scents and sounds that the candles emit. They help to reduce my anxiety and increase my peace which is necessary for the demands of my entrepreneurial pursuits.