The #PassionChallenge celebrates the passions of phenomenal women and how they infuse their current passions into everyday living. I've been fortunate enough to sit down and get all the tea🍵 from a vast array of creatives.
Meet Diyamond aka Dyme (@theycallmedyme)
Me: Hi Dyme!!!!!!
Dyme: Hey Kiylise LOL.
Me: Ok so I'm going to jump right in because I'm always inspired by a passionately passionate dreamer. What are a few things you currently obsess over?
Dyme: Ooh ok so I know 2 for sure. The first thing that I'm currently obsessing over is
MAKEUP! How I went from a tomboy to makeup? No clue but it's my best friend now. Growing up you couldn't get me to wear or do anything girly but now I want to try it all. It's that one thing of mine that is worth the money if need be. The other thing that I'm soooo obsessing over is THRIFTING. Because, "one mans trash is another mans treasure". True beyond means. What got me was when I found an authentic army jacket for like 4 bucks. I kid you not. My friend has one that looks the exact same and I believe she paid over $50 for hers. So yea, it took off from there. I'm so into it now.
Me: Yass!!! I'm so living for makeup as you know. I'm a product junkie at heart so I can relate. We definitely need to link for some thrifty finds. Those are super cool obsessions and I'm so digging that you're just being a "girl". it's refreshing. So tell us what's 1 thing you currently dream about?
Dyme: One thing I dream about is living in LA, California. 🌴
Me: Ooh!West Coast living! Well please make that dream a reality so I can come visit. I know travel is one of the things that plays a huge part in empowering my creativity, how do you think you channel you inner creative?
Dyme: I'm not sure. I notice that most of my creativity is random. I do my best at ANYTHING even when I'm not trying, if that makes any sense at all. I just let the creativity flow and BOOM, master piece.
Me: Isn't it awesome to just be in the "zone"? As random as creativity may flow, there has to be other things that spark your interest. What's something new that you're just dying to try?
Dyme: Something new I've been dying to try is being a vegetarian. And the more I try, the more I notice how much I dislike meat. So that's currently a work in progress.
Me: It's all super psychological. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll be there in no time. Vegetarians inspire me to make my veggies very fancy (gourmet-like). I'm still working on it. Speaking of inspiration, what's one place you go to be inspired?
Dyme: Media wise I love to look at Pinterest for any type of idea. They have everything and help you keep it all organized. Looking at my page you literally could see what I want to be/ look like in my head lol. And popular YouTube vlogger, Desi Perkins' whole social media life, lol! She is a natural who is stylish, has good vibes & is just a care free person. I love her.
Me: I'm so here for Pinterest & Desi, both are bomb. Pinterest is just amazing. I've been designing my budget-less dream home and every room in it with . If money was no object what's something you would totally try out?
Dyme: If I could try anything without thinking about money it would be traveling. Who doesn't want to see the world? Just wake up and go.
Me: Wake up & go is thee DREAM! I can see that you're preoccupied with all of your passions either beating your face or building your wardrobe via Pinterest. I'm proud to celebrate what your "everyday" life of passion looks like. I know you're super busy making life happen but what's one thing we can expect to see from you within the next year?
Dyme: A year from now I'm hoping to have a company brand and YouTube channel that I've been organizing with my best friend. Something where people can reach out to us for encouragement, advice and more. Eventually I also plan to get into cosmetology school which is something I've always wanted to do.
Me: Well Dyme, you know I'll be subscribing and tuning in. I live for beauty and brands. Thanks so much for completing the #passionchallenge and sharing with us how fabulous your inner creative really is. I'm sure there is something everyone can take away from this chat. Thanks so much for your time and I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you very soon.
Dyme: Thanks so much for having me. It's been great.
Until next time
Peace & Sweet Dreaming,
Kiylise Crutchfield, Chief Dream Engineer
Catch up with Dyme by dropping any questions about her passions: