Ok ladies now let's get in formation. Queen 🐝.
Now is the time to execute!!! As I approach my 30th birthday, 😱, yes I said 30th, I am now more empowered than ever. I am both terrified and immensely happy. I'm blessed and beyond grateful. 30 is a milestone and such a big deal. I look back on the past 5 years and think about all that I've been through and how far I've come. That's a whole other post so let's get to this girl talk. Are we getting in formation? Have you created your Dream Team? Are you ready to get your paper?
How Sway? How?
I'm glad you asked. Here are the 5 tips I used to really get my life. I promise it's nothing complicated. I chatted with a client recently about next steps within her dream and she really helped me clearly see the path ahead (entrepreneurship tends to work like that). I compiled this list with you in mind.
So let's get it.
1. Embrace where you are and what you have. Take a look at your abundant blessings and please, please stop with the comparison act. We've all been there. Just looking through the glass at mostly material things and wondering what happened in our current lives. We have to break that curse. Try keeping a gratitude journal and writing about things you're thankful for each day. This is such a powerful exercise that'll truly leave you feeling thankful, blessed and appreciative of where you are. Embrace.
2. Plan, Plan, Plan. Fail to plan, plan to fail. You have to create a concrete plan. How are we going to get in formation if we don't even know what that looks like. It's not all about throwing on your black leotard and favorite pumps. It's about looking ahead, setting a goal and boom, going after it. Try utilizing a passion planner, happy planner or life planner. These planners help you creatively organize. Plan.
3. Declutter. You have to declutter and rearrange some areas in your life. We have clutter within our social, spiritual, emotional and physical lives. Try getting rid of people who don't add value to your life. New number maybe? Try focusing your spiritual life on meditation or service. Intentional prayer time? Can you let go and move on? Declutter your emotions. Get active and declutter your unhealthy habits. You might not need a glass of wine every night (that's a tough one though). These are critical steps that will lift heavy, heavy weights up off of you. Declutter.
4. DreamTeamSquadGoals. Know your circle, know your squad. Have you created your dreamteam play list? What roles do people play in your life? Have you connected with those you know you want to do business with? Do you have your bestfriends who love you and aren't afraid to tell you the truth? What about mentors? You need a power squad to help you along the way. Create a dream team playlist and actually have conversations with people. You can't add people to your list without consulting them. Tell them your plan, show them your passion and move forward. Empowerment is so transformative. It's like belonging to this magical members only club. Once you create the list, see how they intertwine and overlap. That's how you know its the dreamteam. SquadGoals.
5. Get in Formation. Ok now it is truly time to execute. Execute whatever it is your heart desires. Do something. Queen Bey has made the call for us to get in line and execute. Build that dream business. Lose those inches. Cut your hair. Pierce your nose. Volunteer at the shelter. Mentor young girls. Date a new guy. Try new foods. Attend a new church. Travel afar. Own a pet. Transform your wardrobe. Quit your job. Werk. The call is real and it's time to do. Getting in formation is about conquering your fears, stepping out and living to your fullest potential. I have big plans and I'm so ready to have this amazing squad of people who are on the same tip. Bey did mention that the best revenge is yo paper...make that count...the best revenge is your success and happiness. Prove your yesterday self that your today and tomorrow self is already better. Formate.
I'm ready. I'm here. Let's go.
Until next time,
Peace & Sweet Dreaming,
Kiylise Crutchfield, Chief Dream Engineer
1.)What others tips can we use to help us get in formation?