Work Hard: give it your all. No slacking off, just go hard or go home forreal!
Play Harder: don’t sleep on indulging in life’s rewards. Tomorrow is never promised so Live today
Learn More: take an online class. Read up on books.
Appreciate: appreciate everything and everyone you have. That means showing appreciation (send a note, reach out, let them know you love them)
Stay Inspired: whatever it is that inspires you, do more. Animation gets my creativity flowing
Save Some Money: save like you need it. Be better, do better with your moola. It's only right.
Be Kind: It doesn’t take much. Smile a little more. Do something for others. Just be Kind
No Complaints: Really limit how much you complain. Remember all of the many things you’re thankful for
Dress The Part: Look good. Feel good. Put the extra time into your appearance. You’ll win more.
Self Indulge. Love yourself first. Take yourself out. Do a spa day. Whatever you need to just clear your mind and be better for everyone and everything you love.
Until next time,
Peace & Sweet Dreaming,
Kiylise Crutchfield, Chief Dream Engineer