Celebrating 1 year of success, slaying goals! -KC
OMG!!!! I can't believe it has been 1 year since the launch of my blog. I originally kicked off DreamWorks but soon after went through a bit of rebranding because although Dreams do Work, the always, always Win!!!! My goal is to tell the story of winners so- Because Dreams Win was reborn and chile, we're here to stay!
I'm so excited for the month of May. I have a very special announcement at the end of the month so please stay tuned!!!! Since it's my BLOGIVERSARY!!!!! I'm partying all month long!
This month you can expect a REMIX on the blog, meaning that I'm going to RE-FEATURE some of the top posts from May and June of last year. We'll rekindle some old flames and dive back into some great tips of 2016. Make sure you tune in each Tuesday to read some oldie but goodies here at BecauseDreamsWin.
If you really Love me, don't forget to subscribe to the blog, get on the list and stay tuned for the best part yet. Bring your red cups and champagne glasses because I'm going to have an internet PARTAYYYYYYY!!!! The celebration is definitely for YOU!!! Thanks so much for reading, sharing and genuinely supporting me. I get the most gratifying feeling when someone mentions that they've read my work. Thanks so much and let's celebrate! Why not!
Don't forget I'm just a dreamer who decided to go for it using a powerful strategy. This is my 4th blog to date and the first time I've reached a milestone. Make sure you tell your friends that their Moment is waiting!!! Happy Blogging to Me!!! Yay!

Until next time,
Peace & Sweet Dreaming,
Kiylise Crutchfield, Chief Dream Engineer