On this episode of Tea & Triumph I got a chance to sit down with a Fierce Financial Coach who is going to take us along her journey of spills and thrills. Stay tuned as Tara Jones candidly shares her Because Dreams Win story.
Me: Finally!!!! Hi Tara! I'm so excited we finally get to catch up. Welcome to Tea & Triumph.
Tara: Yessss! Hey Kiylise. I'm so glad to share and thanks for having me.
Me: Let's begin with an intro. Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do?
Tara: Ok sure, I’m Tara Jones and I'm a Woman of God, a Mother, a Daughter, Sister, and Friend. I'm a Financial Coach and Educator. I assist women in becoming financially free so they can build wealth and afford their desired lifestyles.
Me: Ok First Lady! You betta come through! LOL...Financial Coach and Educator that helps women! I'm already sold. I know personal finance is such an overlooked topic. How can powerful women fulfill their power without financial awareness, right? With all that you do, what do you find yourself being most passionate about?
Tara: I'm super passionate about women empowerment. Empowerment is often defined as increasing the spiritual, political, social, or economic strength of individuals and communities. This often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities, which is why I do what I do. Through my content, products, and services, I am able to empower women to build wealth at an earlier age and increase their confidence to attain their financial goals. I strongly recommend everyone to become passionate about empowering others in their industries. There’s nothing more rewarding.
Me: I couldn't agree more!!! It's definitely about fulfillment and wanting to see others win!!! What would the world look like if everyone had this mind frame...hmmmm!!! Tara, what's a huge triumph in your life, what are you most proud of?
Tara: I am most proud of overcoming the poverty cycle I was in after I had my daughter in 2009. At the age of 21, my well-planned vision of life shifted after I gave birth to my little girl. Although bringing her into this world is and will always be one of the best moments of my life, it was also the financially lowest moment of my life. The day I snapped my little bundle of joy into her car seat and said farewell to the amazing nurses at the hospital, she and I arrived home with $0 in my savings account. I spent every penny I earned prior to her birth on necessities and cost of living.
I had to return to college one month postpartum otherwise I would lose my academic scholarships so I enrolled in a plethora of Finance courses. I was determined to place the necessary tools under my belt to serve other young, ambitious individuals in my generation to become financially stable.
Today, I have an extensive financial education, I have been financially stable for over 6 years, paid off over $40,000 in debt, and helped many overcome their financial burdens so they can create the lifestyle they desire!
Me: That is definitely an accomplishment!!! Proud to be a new mom but also proud to make the executive decision in your life to change your circumstance! That's empowering! Now let's spill the tea a little bit, tell me one mistake you’ve learned from or something totally embarrassing that has happened to you?
Tara: A mistake I’ve learned from…Hmm. Ah. I put an auto loan in my name for an ex-boyfriend. Yes, I was that girl. Long story short, it resulted in us breaking up and me being stuck with the car because he refused to pay for the monthly payments after the breakup. To this day I drive the car that was originally his. Lol. Thank goodness I was in love with the car as well. Young and dumb moments but hey it happens.
Me: Anytime the words mistake and boyfriend enter the same sentence we know all too well "hey it happens". I love that your tea ties back to your passionate and triumphant quest to financially empower and coach others. How awesome is it to be a walking, living and breathing testimony!!! What would be your 2017 motto or words of advice?
Tara: Stop dwelling and speaking on what you don’t want to happen. Instead, focus on what you do want to see happen and you will attract it.
Me: Yes! Simple. Stay out of your own way! Now let's get to know Tara a little bit better. What's currently your FAV..tv show, book, drink and beauty product?
Tara: My fav tav show is Designated Survivor, book: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (This book explains The Law of Attraction and teaches you how to manifest and create your ideal lifestyle. It literally changed my life. The movie is available on Netflix for those who don’t want to read it), my fav drink is fruit infused alkaline water (mint, strawberries, blueberries, and
lemon slices) and beauty product is definitely Bobbi Brown Creamy Concealer Kit. It’s amazing at keeping the dark circles my daddy so thoughtfully handed down to me hidden… Lol.)
Me: See I never knew The Secret was on Netflix! The book was pretty amazing. I'll be sure to watch the movie as well. Thanks so much for sharing the deets with us. I definitely will be testing out Bobbi Brown's concealer kit as well. We absolutely want to stay connected and financially free, Tara where can we find you?
Tara: Yes you can find me at the following
YPP Blog: www.yourprettypennies.com
Facebook: Your Pretty Pennies with Tara Jones
Instagram: @yourprettypennies
Twitter: @yppblog
Me: Thanks so much for spilling your tea and allowing us to celebrate your triumph. It's all about being transparent but still showing how YOU WIN!!!! This was great Tara!
Tara: No prob, thanks again and please be sure to stay connected with me via the YPP Community!
Until next time,
Peace & Sweet Dreaming,
Kiylise Crutchfield, Chief Dream Engineer