Walking in your purpose and building your absolute best dream life means focusing on being your absolute best self. Your mental health is extremely important as you begin living the life you love. Maintenance is essential and means that you have to continually do the work you need during your journey. Let me share how my dream team of mental health resources has not only helped me maintain but also helped me cope during this very "new" time of Covid-19. I just simply want to paint the picture of all it takes to keep me sane. Let's talk about my mental health resources and practices:
1. Transformation Coach: My amazing transformation coach helps me to paint big pictures and honestly answer questions about my business, my career, my personal life, whatever is needed! She allows me to strategically create timelines to accomplish my goals. She also helps with the little voice of "fear" that often lingers around.
2. Therapist: Yeah pretty much because I need to talk! LOL! My therapist helps me to create goals that allow me to work through the tough stuff in my life such as childhood trauma and understanding patterns and cycles. She helps me to go really deep so that I can purge and make room for newness and growth.
3. Business Bestie: Speaking of growth, my biz bestie helps keep me accountable as we work on our passions. When we're not working hard, we're developing and growing. I can always count on her to send me resources for growth. We literally try out new things together as we leap into new dreams. Did I mention, we met online & have only met like twice in person. The people you need are out there. Trust me.
4. Lifegroup: I lead a weekly lifegroup (bible study) that helps strengthen my spiritual life as well as build community with like-minded women. I can count on these ladies each week to keep me lifted in prayer but also to dig deep into weekly studies, devotionals, and sermons. My dreams are so much clearer as I do life with these women and stay grounded and affirmed in my faith.
5. Grief & Loss Group: I also lead a monthly grief and loss group that promotes connectivity, coping strategies, resources, and shared discussion around loss in our lives. This group invites professionals in the field of grief & loss to employ us with the strategies needed to make our journey more manageable. Since the stages of grief are non-linear it's important to continually process the stage you are in with others.
6. Marriage Builders: Me and Hubs participate in this weekly study to connect with other married couples as we read some pretty great marriage books. This group is transformative for us as we get an amazing opportunity to learn and grow from the lived experience of others. We also get to ourselves and our actions in others. We're committed to success during this new journey.
7. Creative Community: I'm a member of a creative community that really helps me with my design work as a creative. The discussions, webinars, and resources have all been super inspiring for me. I have met some amazing women with amazing dreams and I'm just grateful for this space that fuels me.
8. Virtual Dates: Virtual dates have now taken over what once was physical time with friends. One way I've been connected with friends is by keeping virtual events regularly scheduled. Girl talk, laughter, drinks, the whole nine. I'm a part of a monthly Planner group and since life is so uncertain right now, we've still been meeting to just "be". This just brings me so much joy.
I know this seems like "a lot" and that's why maintenance is so critical to your individual needs. I need all of this goodness to help me along my way. I'm striving to be a better version of myself and because I'm so layered, I look forward to addressing each layer. You may not need fifty-leven coaches and programs, you just may need a therapist or accountability partner. During mental health awareness month (May), I challenge you to get what you need.
If you're not sure and would love to talk all things dreams, I'm offering Dream Collab chats this month as well. It's Mental Health Awareness Month and it's on me! Sign up today!
Until next time,
Peace & Sweet Dreaming,
Kiylise Lowe, Chief Dream Engineer